With the impending arrival of the 25th Anniversary of The Empty Bottle (t-minus less than a year) we’ve been feeling all kinds of nostalgic. Earlier this month we had the two-night book release of The Empty Bottle Chicago: 21+ Years of Music/Friendly/Dancing complete with prolific headliners BLONDE REDHEAD and THE PONYS. To continue our celebratory streak, let’s take a look back at some iconic shows from Bottle’s past:
May 2nd, 1998-For just $7 you could see Modest Mouse touring their then-recent album The Lonesome Crowded West with support from Portland garage rock vets DEAD MOON and longtime Bottle friends JOAN OF ARC, a Kinsella brother project.

May 12th, 2010 -Just six years ago we housed the Louisiana experimental pop group GIVERS along with electronic project PAPER BEAR and Chicago natives ABBOTT SMILE for a mere $8.

May 26th, 2005 -Over a decade ago the badass female fronted alt-rock piece HEARTLESS BASTARDS (who recently played Thalia Hall) graced our stage with LOCKED SOUND and classic rock lovers BIG WHISKEY.

June 7th, 2009 - What cost $12 in 2009? A ticket to see psych pop heroes PORTUGAL. THE MAN, a year shy of going from indie to Atlantic. With Spanish-infused pop act APOSTLE OF HUSTLE and bi-coastal Chicago/Portland indie group YOURSELF AND THE AIR filling out the lineup, the bottle was anything but empty that night.
Portugal The Man
June 14th, 2009 - An important band now more than ever, indie electronica icons PASSION PIT synthed out to “Little Secrets” back in 2009 with support from indie pop outfits HARLEM SHAKES and frequent PASSION PIT opener CALE PARKS, best known for his contributions to Polyvinyl Records’ band Aloha.
Passion Pit
June 28th, 2003-From Brooklyn indie newcomers to "the most vital, current band in America," (Associated Press) TV ON THE RADIO co-headlined with English post-punk band THE FALL for a two-night Bottle appearance starting the 28th.
June 30th, 2000-Talk about a time warp. Split up into seven lovely parts for your internet browsing attention spans, THE WHITE STRIPES entire summer 2000 set is available for your nostalgia-craving pleasure. They hit The Bottle stage with STERLING and THE RACE.
white stripes
Want more history? The Empty Bottle Book, edited by JOHN DUGAN & published via Curbside Splendor Publishing. Get it from our webstore right meow.