Bottle Bites 05: King Buffalo Cheese Curds


Because we love food as much as we love music, we invite an Empty Bottle band to go toe-to-toe with Bite Café every month — the result is a one-night-only special item to be served on the night of their show.

This month, we invited the riff-huffing, psych-stoking gents of King Buffalo into our kitchen...and our hearts. Read on to learn what they've cooked up for ya. (And don't forget to snag tickets to their September 27 EB gig.)

Tell us a bit about yourselves!

King Buffalo are a power-trio bonded by three forces: flow, space, and, of course, heaviness. Their pace is a smooth cadence and perpetual hypnotic groove — it’s deliberate, powerful, and always moving.

Space is prevalent and exudes the group’s blossoming confidence (and patience) — providing air for suspense, tension, and crescendoing releases.

With the added breathing room, the explosive parts build and powerfully bust through like a blues-tinged, psychedelic, kraut-rock-powered tsunami. Bear witness to King Buffalo's journey as they cruise onward and upward, leaving behind an amazing soundtrack as they go.

Tell us why you chose these specific inspirations for your Bottle Bites dish.

We're only 60 miles from Buffalo, NY, so the wing culture made its way over to Rochester.

If you could invite five people—living or dead—to your dream dinner party, who would be on the guest list? What would y'all eat?

Socrates, Nikola Tesla, Leonardo Di Vinci, David Bowie, and Jack White. We'd probably eat a 5-course meal including Greek and Italian dishes.

What's your go-to tour meal?

Mexican and Pho are the go to's, usually, or late-night pizza.

Try Bite Café's King Buffalo Cheese Curds for yourself on Friday, September 27, in celebration of King Buffalo's sonic assault upon Empty Bottle. Tickets are available here.