Empty Exchange: BARE MUTANTS
After a long, slow drive from St. Louis, Bare Mutants finally arrive at the Bottle for their official album release show for The Affliction, out last month on In the Red. The album takes you deep into the smooth dreamland of leader Jered Gummere with the help of fellow Chicago scene staples, Jeanine O’Toole (vocals) of the 1900s and Seth Bohn (bass) from Mannequin Men, along with talented friends Leslie Deckard (keys) and Matt Holland (drums). The Affliction is perfect for those chilly, overcast days where you dedicate yourself to doing nothing but staring into space and pondering your life.Sitting across from me, clad in all white, chain smoking cigarettes and guzzling iced coffees, we discuss: how cool is white on white, life as a new father, and who they’d want to play dodge ball against.JERED GUMMERE: What do you think of these white outfits? I guess it’s too late to change…ASHLEIGH DYE: I’m into it. With the white backdrops; you guys are doing a white out. I'm into monochromatic things... So first of all - I have to say that band names and the naming of things fascinate me - so why Bare Mutants?[laughter]JG: [laughing] Well, because I went to a name generator on the Internet and that was the first one that came up that I was like, not too bad!AD: A name generator, eh? See that’s interesting, no less. That’s a pretty interesting thing for a name generator to spit out. Was it a band specific generator?LESLIE DECKARD: Yeah and I think you typed in, like, BARE or something to finally get there.AD: The Velvet Underground has been mention/referenced for your guys’ new album The Affliction, but were there any other major influences that went into making this album?JG: Friendship.AD: Each other - that’s a good influence to have. You're on a small mid-west tour right now, is this your last stop?JG: We play Milwaukee tomorrowAD: Where’s your favorite stop been so far?JG: My house [laughter]LD: No, Ed’s house![Everyone]: Yeah - Ed’s!JEANINE O’TOOLE: We stayed with Jered’s old friend in Galesburg, Illinois.AD: Galesburg?SETH BOHN: Yeah. It’s like a half hour south of Rock Island. We did a Day Trotter recording session and had the night off, so we just went there. It was a lot of fun.AD: sounds like a good time. Old friends, recording sessions, shows. How was the audience’s response?LD: Sold out, first of all. [laughs]JO: No, well St. Louis...SB: St. Louis was goodishJO: St. Louis was a great response; I’d say it was more quality than quantity. But, it was cool. Everyone was into it.AD: That’s good. I mean, as long as the people their are enjoying what you’re doing that’s what matters; you could have a crowd full of people and if they’re just talking to each other, what's the point? Do you have any more dates lined up or an affirmed future for Bare Mutants?SB: There some stuff in the works for December.AD: Where are you guys looking to go?SB: Out East.JG: Maybe Canada. AD: Out east is a good place to go in December, that’s some crafty planning.JG: We’re also playing Midpoint Festival in Cincinnati at the end of this month.AD: Jered, this question's more for you: How does writing now compare to projects past? How has your recent venture into fatherhood played a role in that? Do you think it’s been significant?JG: Well, most of this record was written way before that, but I’m a stay-at-home father now, so at night when my wife comes home I go to the basement and I’m pretty productive. I feel much more focused.AD: Sometimes it takes more things going on in your life to make you more focused creatively.JG: I think it was the other things that were the problem before. Now I have minimal focus.AD: If your daughter could only listen to one artist throughout her baby years of your choosing, whom would you pick?JG: Oh, man… I mean right now she’s a Willie Nelson girl, so I’ll probably stick with Willie.AD: If money and time were obsolete for you guys, where would you go on tour?JG: Uh, Japan.JO: I was just going to say Japan!AD: I’ve always wanted to go to Japan! They’re so weird over there... What’s a band you’d most like to have a dodge ball match against?LD: I really suck at dodge ball so this is a hard question.JO: Leslie you can’t be on the team!AD: I was always the girl hiding in the back, and then I’d end up being the only one left on my team. But I can’t throw very far so it sucked. JG: I don’t really like Mac DeMarco. We’ll take him out.[everyone laughs]LD: Five on one![laughter]JG [laughing] Nah, he’s got like 4 or 5 people in his band.SB: Or Outer Minds, they’d be fun to throw some balls at.AD: OK so these are my last couple questions, they’re from Mike G here at the Bottle... Jered, who do you think is more famous, you or Bruce Lamont?JG: Oh yeah.JO: That’s good, haha.JG: Uh probably Hesh, unfortunately.JO: He is Robert Plant in half of his time so…AD: And in closing: Who do you think will win this year, Packers or the Bears?JG: The fucking Bears! There are too many Green Bay fans in this city.SB: Even if the Packers win, the Bears still win because they’re the Bears.——————————————————————————————————Live @ Empty Bottle on Friday the 13th of September, 2013Interview conducted and transcribed by ASHLEIGH DYEPhotos taken by ASHLEIGH DYE