LAST CALL: Empty Bottle BOOK Submissions

Empty Bottle Book Curbside Splendor

Empty Bottle Book Curbside Splendor

In case you haven't heard, a year from now (October 2015) Chicago publisher Curbside Splendor is putting out a book about us and they want your stories, photographs, and art! This is the LAST CALL for submissions: You have until December 31st, 2014 to submit something for the Empty Bottle BOOK! Journey through the dark, twisted, beer-soaked canals of your mind to come up with something YOU think the people will want to read about.Here's what Curbside has to say about the book: "We want your stories, photographs, and art inspired by the Empty Bottle, whether you played there, worked there, partied there, made love there, or got married there—we want it!" SUBMIT YOUR STORY HERE and get updates from the book's Facebook page.