That's Amore: Felicia Atkinson - "The Owls"

French visual artist and musician Felicia Atkinson put out her LP Visions / Voices on Mexican label Umor Rex last year, culling together more than three years of work into one cohesive album. Atkinson has said that she makes her recorded music by rearranging improvised pieces, a technique that’s definitely evident on the intricate, layered tracks of Visions / Voices.Atkinson’s a busy lady: She paints, sculpts and co-runs the independent publishing company Shelter Press, which releases books, artwork and records from artists like Pete Swanson, Ben Vida and Keith Fullerton Whitman. With all those projects, avid Atkinson listeners can probably wait another three years for her next full release – but here’s hoping we don’t have to.Put some headphones on and let your brain sink into this nearly 18-minute gem, "The Owls," from Visions / Voices:That’s Amore is a new segment on this here blog where we post about music stuff we like. We love hearing from our friends, so tell us what new bands you’re digging on in the comments section. If a song you recommend to us ends up on the blog, you’ll get one FREE ticket to the show of your choice at the Empty Bottle. Cool!